Sunday, September 24, 2006


Another weekend well spent. The sun came out, the wind turned warmer, and old and new friends were in abudance, it seemed every place we went out!
1. Live music in Milwaukee is definetely rockin'. Surprised by a great band at Live.
2. Running into my childhood crush @ Hooligans and before leaving drinking out of the ever popular glass boot.
3. Old faces...familiar faces...and new friends all gathered on the patio of McGuillicuddy's until the lights came on.
4. Lunch at the well-awaited Wicked Hop and checking out hip digs @ Rubbins, accompanied by good conversation with a handsome employee.
5. Made my rounds on the town for a best friend's 21st extravagenza. We brought sexy back with dancing at Lucille's, getting sung to by a group of 30 Irish men, singing our hearts out strutting our stuff bar hopping, taking shots of a ski @ Buckheads, and dancing dancing dancing...New friends topped off the night to be a great outing.
6. Being reminded that what's meant to be will happen & to let the sun in on the new. :)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Testify to Love

Within life there is motion and with each motion there is change. Motions of happiness, motions of regret, motions of excitement, motions of relief, motions of surprise. All of which result in a change from our previous conditions. Doubtfulness falls upon us when things aren’t going as planned, when people leave, when people change, when people aren’t who we thought, this is when our life plan tends to veer off course. This I find to be the best moments of God testing us and presenting us with challenges. The norms we live can be bland, and I have learned to know that change is inevitable, change can bring on the unexpected, the life altering. Sometimes the hardest thing, and the right thing are the same.

I have found myself questioning where this year will take, what it will bring, and what I will gain. The cold is coming upon us, the leaves will change colors, and we will be shifting through our cycle of seasons once again. Thinking upon years past and where I had been-makes me remember specific instances of unconditional love-excitement- embraces- and the unknown. People that have made these memories are still strongly imprinted on my life-and some not as strong any more. I do not know what will come with the unknown, but I do know that I have six best friends to spend another year with. Blessed beyond words. I heard someone say that a few days ago and it stuck in my mind. To be blessed beyond words is a great amount of appreciativeness of your conditions, and I feel this way about my group of friends, my family, that I have a roof over my head, food on the table, a strong faith, the ability to travel, and the capacity to learn, learn, learn. Those that have made vast imprints on my heart in the past-are still there in my heart-even if they aren’t here visibly walking near my side. I find myself questioning what life would be like if they were still here-still in my life-and the only answer is that my life is supposed to be the way it is right now.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Adios Summertime!

Labor Day weekend was the last of the summer...and what a weekend it was. It was the perfect way to cap off the summer with some of my favorite people.

1. Thursday night Jazz was the perfect way to socialize with old friends. Props to Jennifer finding a great spot-since the group next to us was overflowing with food to share.
2. Boozing and Cruising on the Edelweiss with a great group of people. I'd pay the $15 again to just see the sights of Milwaukee from the river/Lake Michigan. It was the perfect night for it. We then ended up at Brothers for a night of dancing.
3. Saturday brought on the Brewers. Tailgaiting, a game of washers, and reuniting with an old lover. Needless to say- I'm glad I am where I am today-
4. A nap after tailgaiting and throwing on a pair of shorts and heels led us to Game Time. Your average sports bar-aka-not where we wanted to be, but the drinks were cheap and the music bumpin.
5. Once again you could spot us at Brothers dancing in lieu of Jennifer's 22nd Bday. We then managed to make our way to McGuillicuddy's for a drink on the patio.
6. Being surprised at Brothers was quite the surprise indeed. :O)
7. Taking my Grandma and her special friend out for lunch in Oconomowoc. She made sure the choco covered nuts she gave me were from 2006-unlike the ones she gave Gina which were a year outdated. Realizing it's difficult for someone to live alone-and all you can give them is your best. It's hard to cope with someone who is unwilling to look at the brighter side of things-but all you can give them is your love, which they need.
8. Finding myself at Rascals with BFF and a few new friends led to an interesting, yet awesome night. We found ourselves at a local dive bar-laughing until they kicked us out at bar close.
9. Labor Day brought much cleaning, a BBQ, and reuniting with all of 3020. It's good to have everyone back and hard to believe we're in our fourth year together. There is never a dull moment at 3020-and I look forward to new beginnings with cherished friends, new friends, and memories for a lifetime.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Wanted: New Not Old

Ex-boyfriends Need Not Apply!